Salute to service people on Veteran Day, reminder that Manufactured Homes qualify for VA Loans

3487911314_a6a4ed77d1_credit=flickr-creative-commons-posted-mhlivingnews-comWikipedia says that “Veterans Day is an official United States holiday that honors people who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces, also known as veterans.” Veterans Day is often marked by flags and flowers in cemeteries where the dead are laid to rest, as well as with parades or other honors for those who are still living and have served their nation in one of the branches of the military.

Military Service and VA Loan benefit for housing

Millions of U.S. Veterans and those who care about them have little or no idea that their VA benefits allow them to purchase a manufactured or modular home with little or no down payment. says that to obtain a home loan, You must have suitable credit, sufficient income, and a valid Certificate of Eligibility(COE) to be eligible for a VA-guaranteed home loan.”The VA specifically states that a VA loan can be used to:

Buy a manufactured home and/or lot.”veterans-day-november11-2014=credit-flickrcreativecommons-vet-day-national-commission-

To obtain a COE, the VA says you must have been discharged under conditions other than dishonorable and meet the service requirements below: says that “The Defense Department issues to each veteran a DD-214, identifying the veteran’s condition of discharge – honorable, general, other than honorable, dishonorable or bad conduct.”

Find a MH or Modular Home Retailer that is familiar with VA Loans on homes

Some retailers are more familiar with other kinds of loans on manufactured homes, such as personal property (‘chattel,’ or ‘home only’) loans or FHA loans. While there may be reasons a veteran would prefer another lending option, its a veteran’s right to pursue a VA loan, so long as they qualify.

A state manufactured/modular home association may be able to point you to those retailers who are comfortable working with lenders who do VA loans on manufactured homes.

While there may be more paper work to do a VA loan than some others, the process of home building and installation is much the same as on an FHA Title II loan. A VA approved lender who does manufactured home loans can provide additional details. It should be noted that the rates on VA loans for manufactured homes mirror those for other forms of construction.

MHLivingNews thanks all Veterans for their service to our great nation. ##

(Image credit: FlickrCreativeCommons and Veterans Day National Commission)

l.a.tony_.kovach-publisher-manufacturedhomelivingnews-com-mhpronews-com-mhc-md-com-1By L. A. “Tony” Kovach.

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